Best Fruit Tree and Berry Varieties for the Portland Area
Ready to plant fruit trees and shrubs in your Portland-area home? Here are my recommended varieties for best results growing fruit trees in the Portland climate.
Read MoreHome Orchard Care
We specialize in helping homeowners grow fruit trees and berries by providing expert help with pruning, grafting, pest and disease management, planting and design.
Whether you want to learn how to care for your backyard orchard yourself, use our year-round organic management services, or just have access to expert advice, we help you install, maintain and repair fruit-bearing trees and shrubs for maximum health, yield, and environmental conscientiousness.
Ready to plant fruit trees and shrubs in your Portland-area home? Here are my recommended varieties for best results growing fruit trees in the Portland climate.
Read MoreShot Hole Disease on Cherry Leaves
A list of the top 10 bacterial and fungal fruit tree diseases in the Pacific North West Portland Oregon area. Including Shot Hole, Perennial Canker or Anthracnose, Apple and Pear Scab, Leaf Curl, Bulls eye rot, Brown Rot, Powdery Mildew, Fire Blight, and Silver Leaf.
Read MoreApple and Pear Scab (Venturia spp.) overwinters on dead leaves and fruit laying on the soil surface. In spring when temperatures increase, sooty black fungal patches on the dead tissue produce primary spores, called ascospores, which release into the air or splashing water droplets then infect young buds, leaves and fruit. One to two weeks later, secondary spores called conidia are released, causing new infections and renewing the cycle.
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